Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well, Hallowe'en is over for another year. It is a day, as a Christian, that I typically ignore. My sensible parents never allowed us to participate in the event other than to deposit gospel tracts in the bags of the candy-beggars. (My daddy was a pastor). We always had a great time, though, rounding up various unused items from the household (old belt buckles, other stuff we didn't want) and added them to their bags of goodies, hooting with glee as we closed the door behind the unsuspecting trick-or-treaters. It continues to be a day that we don't acknowledge other than as a pagan holiday. It always seemes to weird to me when people greet each other with "Happy Hallowe'en"! Happy? HAPPY!!? Scary, silly, or even devilish would be a more appropriate adjective to describe the event. It troubles me to think of what is going on behind the closed doors of the growing number of Wiccans, earth-worshippers and Satanists on that day. I hear their numbers are growing rapidly as people are turning away from the living God to worship created things. A lot of physical and sexual abuse is taking place behind those closed doors. It was interesting and informative to watch a television show on VisionTV yesterday talking about the true origins of Hallowe'en. They didn't make any bones about its pagan past and its pagan present, speaking of its growth in popularity throughout North America.

Well, enough rambling. I found a good article about the issue that I thought I would pass on. "What is This? Christians Celebrating Halloween?" written Ray Gano, likens it to the act of adultery, or flirting with an old boyfriend after geting married. If you and your family are still "celebrating" Hallowe'en, you need to reconsider doing that, and ask yourself if it brings honor to Christ.

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